I’m deeply disturbed by the video above.
I do not care about how many people are saying “this is just a disruption of the services, give them time to fix it”, because it is not the main point.
If you are trapped inside the train some depth below the human race living level, how would you feel?
I assume most people are quite sympathetic towards others because human beings are born with kind nature. If you are thinking that this is just nothing, imagine your love ones are being stuck inside the trains. If you think that is not the worst scenario, visualise your grandparents then.
I have come across some comments that the train has backup power that allows up to 45 minutes of ventilation during power failure. Even a kid would know that maximum battery lives would decrease over time – your mobile phone tells you that and your laptop has proven you that as well.
What is the capacity of people for the 45 minutes of ventilation being measured?
Some creative people may think that this is a once-in-a-fifty-years rare thrilling experience but I think differently.
Before you attend Halloween night parties, you know you would be scared. Even if you are going for the roller-coaster ride, you should expect some breathless excitements. You know you will be fine after all.
On the other hand, if the train has stopped for some time inside the tunnel and you realise it is getting stuffy with many passengers inside, you do not know if you can live for how more.
If you think it can be forever safe in Singapore, the government will not be conducting emergency drills “Northstar”. Singaporeans are already warned about terrorism and scenes will flash through their minds during the lock-down during the train breakdown.
You call for help and you receive none, you do not know what is going to happen next and when it is going to end.
Most passengers seem to be fine except for around two who have fainted. Still, I expect quite a handful of victims could have developed some phobia after being mentally tortured for hours.
All it takes is for the train officers to calm the passengers down and open the doors for ventilation.
This society is being drawn a big thick line in between the very rich and the rest of the people. The rich people are managing everyone and they do not understand the rest of the people’s needs. They do not understand the basic needs for survival and the slightest integrity that even the poor people need.
We are often powerless to do anything.